Shelly Román BSN, RN
Columbus ISD District Nurse-Enfermera del Distrito de Columbus ISD
Main Office: CES Campus- Oficina Principal: CES Campus
1324 Bowie Street
Columbus, TX 78934
Ph. (979) 732-2078, Extension 421
Fax (979) 732-8627
Welcome to the District Nurse's Office at Columbus ISD.
Using this site, parents can access current information regarding state and local requirements concerning their child as well as information about specific health concerns and conditions. The site will be updated as warranted and new links will continue to be added so as to best serve the students, parents, teachers, and others regarding student health in the Columbus ISD.
Bienvenido a la Oficina de Enfermeras del Distrito en Columbus ISD.
Usando este sitio, los padres pueden acceder a la información actual sobre los requisitos estatales y locales con respecto a sus hijos, así como información sobre problemas de salud específicos y condiciones. El sitio se actualizará según lo justificado y se seguirán agregando nuevos enlaces para servir mejor a los estudiantes, padres, maestros y otras con respecto a la salud de los estudiantes en el ISD de Columbus.
Health Service Staff-
Shelly Roman BSN, RN - District Nurse: Enfermera del Distrito de Columbus ISD
Angela Gorman - Nurse Aide at CES Campus: Asistente de Enfermera
Susan Guthmann - Nurse Aide at CJH Campus: Asistente de Enfermera
Melissa Harrington - District Athletic Trainer/Nurse Aide at CHS Campus: Asistente de Enfermera
For additional Health Resources and Awareness Information, click here.
New guidelines for medication administration!
A "school nurse should have a signed order (from MD, DO, APRN, PA, dentist, or podiatrist) before administering any medication (prescription or OTC) to meet the standards of the Nursing Practice Act. This includes oral and topical medication (such as cortisone or other ‘itch’ creams, antibiotic ointment, Orajel, cream, or gel with lidocaine, sting relief pads, etc)." - Texas Board of Nursing
Columbus ISD follows the guidance of national and local health officials to help protect our students and staff from all communicable diseases. The District is aware that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an outbreak of a respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus. Please be assured Columbus ISD school health officials closely monitor all developments and are in communication with public health agencies. CISD will adhere to all guidance provided by our school health officials in regard to protecting students and staff against the transmission of communicable diseases, including guidance regarding the coronavirus.
Families are encouraged to visit the following sites for additional information: