Staff » Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

What is the Teacher Incentive Allotment?
HB 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers on three different levels: Recognized, Exemplary and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts in order for them to reward their top performers.
How the Teacher Incentive Allotment Works
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Districts can develop a local designation system and designate high-performing teachers (Master, Exemplary, or Recognized) TEA will approve local designation systems, in partnership with Texas Tech University.  Districts are not required to create a local designation system. All Texas school systems can employ designated teachers and receive allotment funds.  Districts will receive additional funding ($3-32K per year) for every designated teacher they employ.  District will receive greater funding for designated teachers who teach at rural and/or high-needs campuses.  At least 90% of TIA funds must be used on teacher compensation on the campus where the designated teacher(s) works. 
District Stakeholder Team - these staff representatives are part of the team that will develop the Teacher Incentive Allotment Plan over the course of the 2022-2023 school year. They want your questions and your feedback.
Elementary Junior High High School
Maranda Baimbridge
Traci Edman
Marlene Ramirez
Tammy Ruether
Morgan Clary
Andrew Lebman
Jase Little
Joyce Templeton
Renee Brown
Gwen Christ
Corey Goynes
Jenna Leopold